
About us/BusinessDetail

The Company was incorporated on 08th April, 1992 under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 with Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Mumbai vide Registration No. 066262.

The Special Resolution was passed on 13th February, 1996 by the Members of the Company to convert the Private Limited Company into Public Limited and the Certificate of Change of name consequent to its conversion into a Public Limited Company was obtained from the Registrar of Companies Maharashtra, Mumbai.

The Company is engaged in trading and investments in shares, stocks, securities and properties and extends short term loans to corporate and Firms/high net worth individuals.  The business of the  Company inter-alia includes to carry on exporting, importing, storing, supplying, purchasing, selling, bartering, exchanging, distributing and otherwise dealing in all kinds of goods, commodities, merchandise produce, things and shares on ready or forward basis on its own account or otherwise and in also involved in the business of Investment Company and to invest in and to hold, purchase, sell and deal with the stocks, shares, bonds, debenture-stock, mortgage and obligations. The Authorized Share Capital of the  Company is ₹6,50,00,000 (Rupees Six Crores Fifty Lakhs only) comprising of 1,30,00,000(One Crore Thirty Lakhs) Equity Shares of ₹5each. The Paid-Up Equity Share Capital of the  Company is ₹3,10,62,000 comprising of 62,12,400Equity Shares of ₹5 each fully paid up.The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on BSE Limited, Mumbai (“BSE”) having a scrip code as 542332. The Equity Shares of the Company are infrequently traded within the meaning of explanation provided in Regulation 2(j) of the Regulations. The ISIN of the Company is INE302R01024.